‘’A Human hunting’
Exclusive for @pap_magazine — published by @kangdm
"인간이 살아가는 데에 당연한 건 없다.
하물며, 사소하게 편히 누리며 사용하는 것마저 다른 생명의 희생으로 만들어진 것이다.
자신의 이익을 위해 동물을 죽이고 학대하는 이들에게 불필요한 희생은 없어야 한다고 경각심을 일깨워주고 싶다.
이 작품을 보는 잠깐이라도 메세지가 전달된다면 순간의 작은 희망을 보게 되지 않을까."
"There is nothing to take for granted in living as a human and even the little things . We use are made by the expense of other lives.
Humans shouldn’t scarify, abuse, and kill animals just for their own benefits. By spreading these words, I hope this raises awareness of this issue.
I hope this art piece touches peoples heart within the few seconds they observe this art piece. "
Creative Direction : @nariwoorim.kr Jeon Jiwoo @_zziwooo0
Movement Direction : I Ban @iban1ban_ Bae Yurim @baebaeyurim
Model : I Ban @iban1ban_
Photos : Kim Moondog @kimmoondog
Makeup : Shin Nuri @nuniddi
Hair : Yun Jihyeon @yunjihyeonana
Styling : Lee Sanghyeok @imadeit4real
Staring : SYAM @syammnm, TITA @ooomalicha, BYEON EUN YEONG @ey.byeon_ , Dzell @im_d.zell, Eliott Kwon @the.eliott , Muz @muzwuz , SYA @seeya_sya , PARK SEO YEON @tjxxux
DENIS @denis_chapter2 , Evil Queena @evillqueena