STU48 7周年ツアー完走🫧
<キャプテン 岡田あずみ>
「7年目は多くの先輩方が卒業され、この7周年ツアーは新体制でのスタートになりました。私はキャプテンに就任してから初めての大きなコンサートで、8年目のスタートということもあり、すごくプレッシャーに感じるときや不安や怖さでいっぱいになるときもありました。ですがそれは多分私だけではなく、きっとメンバーそれぞれがいろんなことを感じて、たくさん考えて、8 年目のスタートをいいものにしたいという想いで、7 周年ツアー千秋楽まで走り抜けてきました。8年目も、みんなで強い気持ちを持って、大きな目標に向かってみんなで進んでいきたいと思っています。」
<”愛の重さ”センター 中村 舞>
Special Off-Shots Gift for Those Who Comment ❤️ on this post! 💌
To everyone who attended the 11 performances across 7 prefectures in Setouchi, Thank you so much!
We look forward to your continued support in our 8th year! ✨
Message ____ 🖊️
< Captain Azumi Okada >
"In our 7th year, many senior members graduated, making this 7th Anniversary Tour the start of a new era. It was my first major concert since becoming captain, and with the start of the 8th year, there were times when I felt immense pressure, anxiety, and fear. But I believe it wasn't just me; each member had their thoughts and feelings, all driven by the desire to make the start of the 8th year a success. We've run through the 7th Anniversary Tour with that strong determination. In our 8th year, we all aim to move forward together with a strong will towards our big goals."
< “Ai no Omosa” Center Mai Nakamura >
"Listening to Azumin (Okada) just now, I realized how much I truly love STU48, both past and present. This wonderful live show is possible because of all of you who come to see us. Thank you so much, everyone!"