μ˜€λΉ› μ•ˆλ…•ν•˜μ„Έμš© #고원 μ΄μ—μš”πŸ˜˜
μ˜€λŠ˜μ€ ν˜Όμžμ„œ μ˜€λΉ›λ“€μ„ λ§Œλ‚˜λŸ¬ κ°€λŠ” μ€‘μž…λ‹ˆλ‹€...!!
개인 νŒ¬μ‚¬μΈνšŒκ°€ 거의 1λ…„λ§Œμ΄λΌ 괜히 더 μ„€λ ˆκ³  κ·ΈλŸ¬λ„€μš”>0<
μ–΄μ œλŠ” μ„€λ ˆλŠ” λ§ˆμŒμ— 이런 μ €λŸ° 생각이 λ§Žμ•˜μ–΄μš”.
μ˜€λΉ›λ“€μ„ μ˜€λžœλ§Œμ— λ§Œλ‚˜λ‹ˆκΉŒ 무슨 μ–˜κΈ°λ₯Ό ν•˜λ©΄ μ’‹μ„κΉŒ!! 이런 κ²ƒλ“€μ΄μš©γ…Žγ…Ž μ˜€λΉ›λ“€λ„ 같은 마음이겠죠!? μ €λŠ” λ―Ώμ–΄μš”^~^ 였늘 우리 같이 ν–‰λ³΅ν•œ μ‹œκ°„ λ³΄λ‚΄μš”β€οΈ 곧 λ§Œλ‚©μ‹œλ‹Ή!
μ˜€λΉ› μ‚¬λž‘ν•΄μœ β€οΈ
Hey you Orbits, this is #GoWon😘
Now I am on my way to you guys…!!
It’s been a year since I’ve done my solo fansign so I am nervous >0<
Yesterday, I was thinking about a lot of things because I was nervous.
I was thinking about like what to talk about with Orbits!!! You guys were thinking about what to talk about with me too right!?
Well I trust you guys ^~^
Let’s have some fun today❀️ See you soon!
I love you guys Orbits❀️
#μ΄λ‹¬μ˜μ†Œλ…€ #LOONA