#Repost @somicookie with @repostapp・・・엄마 일하러 나간동안 엄마처럼 립스틱 바르고 싶었어요.... 선영이이모 립스틱이 이뻐 보이더라구요... i wanted to put on lipstick like my mommy while shes at work! Auntie Sunyoung's lipstick looked perfect for me! 하아... 쿠키야..... 화나는데 귀엽다.... 젠장구... 말좀 잘듣자... So my friend is doggysitting while im at work.... cookie thought her lipstick was a toy and just..... chewed on it...... #조커아님 #whysoserious #cookie #accident #troublemaker #말썽꾸러기 @bonobono8978